From the course: Revit Structure 2016 Essential Training
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Modifying plan view symbology - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit Structure 2016 Essential Training
Modifying plan view symbology
- Revit actually knows you added a brace frame and will add symbology on the floor above automatically. What I'd like to spend just a little time doing is investigating the settings related to brace frames. There are just a couple symbols to choose from but it's worth it for the video. So to get started, again, let's jump into Revit. Let's go to our Typical Brace Frame Elevation. Now again, we modeled in some brace frames, now let's go down to Level 2, Structural Plan. Let's zoom in and notice that there's a dashed line here now. Let's go to Level 3, and notice the dashed line is on the outside. When the dashed line in is on the inside, that means the brace framing is above. When it's on the outside, that means the brace frame is below. So we can change how this looks. Let's go to the Structure tab. Now under structure, let's click on the Settings button, right here, Structural Settings. Now for Symbolic Cutbacks, our brace, 2.5 millimeters, our beam truss, 2.5 millimeters. It's about…
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