From the course: ServiceNow: Basic Administration
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Configure notifications - ServiceNow Tutorial
From the course: ServiceNow: Basic Administration
Configure notifications
- [Instructor] Notifications and events in ServiceNow go hand in hand. An event is something that happened because of a user action or script. And a notification can be fired off in reaction to that event. When a user or script performs an action, an event is created and placed into an event queue. The queue is like a lineup. It is processed one at a time, and if any of the items in the event queue match the conditions required to create a notification, known as a notification rule, then a notification is created and sent. For example, let's say I change the assignee of a problem from me to Abraham Lincoln. After I save my changes, an event is created in the event queue. When the event queue gets around to processing this event, it will try to match it up with any rules regarding an assignee change on a problem form. In this example, it finds one specifically stating a notification should be sent to a new assignee on…
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