From the course: ServiceNow: Basic Administration

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Knowledge base and content creation

Knowledge base and content creation - ServiceNow Tutorial

From the course: ServiceNow: Basic Administration

Knowledge base and content creation

- [Instructor] An important asset to manage in an organization is knowledge. Knowledge in ServiceNow can be documented, distributed, updated, and reused so that something one person knows can be shared with many. Knowledge is shared by the way of a knowledge article. To improve visibility, articles can belong to categories and accessible by everyone when marked as public or limited to a select group of individuals, such as field technicians, by marking the article as private. To improve quality, all articles can receive feedback, which would indicate to the author an update may be necessary or that the article was helpful or unhelpful in certain aspects. To ensure relevance, articles can also be retired after information contained within them has become outdated or does not apply. This can even be set to happen automatically when the article is written. In order to create knowledge, an article must follow a…
