From the course: Solving Relationship Problems at Work

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When to escalate

When to escalate

- Sometimes a disagreement is so serious that you might need to escalate. That refers to making the choice to not address the issue yourself but instead to take the issue to another more appropriate person in the organization. Now, depending on the circumstances that might be your supervisor, Human Resources, the legal team, or someone else. It's very important to be clear about your goal. One question is, should I escalate? But an even more important question is, will I be successful? Since we all have limited time, energy and reputational capital, we simply can't address every disagreement as if it's a battle that must be won. Instead, I want to encourage you to be more strategic. Sure, there are times when a quick or immediate escalation to the proper party makes complete sense. For example, if the public or large numbers of customers are impacted by the issue, quick action makes sense. Or if you honestly feel…
