From the course: Strategic Project Risk Management
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Creating a risk register
From the course: Strategic Project Risk Management
Creating a risk register
- In my 40 years navigating through the challenges of project management, one tool has been an indispensable part of my journey on scores of projects, programs, and portfolios, the risk register. It's a document that evolves with your planning process leading you to ultimate success. Let me share with you the essence of this critical navigators tool focusing on projects. A risk register is a detailed log where you record potential risks, their characteristics, and how you plan to treat them. You should build two separate risk registers, one for the threats, and one for the opportunities. The risk management process is virtually the same for both. The risk register stands at the core of your project planning. It helps us track identified risks, understand their potential impact on the project, and plan our responses. Essentially, it adds as your project's risk memory, ensuring that all team members are aware of and can prepare for potential challenges ahead. Building a risk register…
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