From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training

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Adding effects: Premium

Adding effects: Premium

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, I showed you how to apply filters for the basic levels of the program, but now we'll show you the premium version of those very same filters. So, we need to access some new windows over here. First of all we need to access the node view. And this will frighten you if you haven't seen it before but please don't be scared. It's not that bad, it's just a different way of showing you the same information that you're seeing over here in the timeline. So the next box we need to have is the node library. And really, you want to tear this off at this point and have it separate. And I'm just going to try to dock it to this side here, and I have to actually click on the name. You have to click on the, not the bar here, but on the node library text, and when you see it turn blue like that, release, and you've got it. So the filters that we're going to be dealing with here, and there are many, many in here, they've sorted out the filter list according to…
