From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
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Dialogue - Harmony Tutorial
From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
- [Instructor] So now that we have the audio in the scene, it's time to do some proper dialogue because right now we have sort of a random lip flap, you know, I just put all these little random mouth shapes down there. Just to make it look like he was saying something. But we really want this dialogue to match, so that it looks good. So I'm going to just solo out the alien. So it you go into the twirler here, go into the skull twirler, and under the mouth we can solo that. And I think it will be easier if we can just see that by itself. (mumbling) Now for some reason the first frame has nothing on it, so let's put a bracket in there for a B mouth. And so what I'm going to do is just extend the B mouth all the way down and get rid of all the random stuff. That's just junk. So we have two Bs, so let's see if we can change that. I don't know why there are two Bs there, one here and one there. Let's not worry about it. So, okay, we have our audio track. Let's plan it again. - [Alien] Get…
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