From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
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Inking with the Pencil - Harmony Tutorial
From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
Inking with the Pencil
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the Inking tool, which might come in handy for some people. First, I need to draw a pretty simple graphical image and I'm going to do it in black. I don't want to draw these lines in blue to start with, so I'll do just a little black, hashtag kind of thing with a cross in the middle. What if we want to color these lines? Let's say, for example, that I want to take this line here and ink it. I want that line to be a different color like blue. One, two, three, four, and maybe the line here to be red, and maybe the one on top to be green. One thing that you'll notice is as we're drawing, the colors are going on top of the ones beneath. Now, there's a very cool feature in Tools Properties, under the Inking tool. It's Bring ink lines on top or under, press Alt or Option to toggle. Let's go back to our color. Let's say I want a color to go beneath. This pink color here. If I hit Alt, I'm holding an Alt or Option now, and it's going below. Now, I'm lifting…
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