From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
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Library - Harmony Tutorial
From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the Library and how this corresponds to drawings and files that are saved on your computer. So, I'm going to select a frame down here on the Timeline, pick a nice brush tool and I'm just going to write the letter A and I'll go forward one frame and write a B, and at this point, let's put the onion skin on, that's this icon here, third frame. And we'll write a C, and fourth frame, a D. And now we can switch on and off and using the comma and period keys, or the less than and greater than signs, we can go through frame by frame. So let's say we want to realign these frames on the stage. We now have access to them in the drawing substitution of the Library panel. So let's go and reverse them, so I can do it a couple of different ways. I can go here and manually move them across. If I want no frame at all, I can go all the way to the left and there's a null frame or an empty frame, which completely removes the drawing, which can be very useful, but I…
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