From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
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Morph-tweening the character - Harmony Tutorial
From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
Morph-tweening the character
- [Instructor] One thing that really separates okay puppet animation from really good animation is morph tweening or shape tweening if you're comping from a Flash or Adobe Animate background. So, let's look at the body by itself and you'll see what I mean. Right now what we see is sort of a motion tweening. It's one drawing that's been squashed and stretched but the shape itself isn't doing anything particularly exciting and if I delete all of the key frames you'll see it's just this one image here. So, let's undo that, so we have our motion tweening again but let's see if here on this image we can squash the belly out so it actually does something interesting. What I'm going to want to do though is to create some duplicate drawings to do this, so on this frame here let's right click and go Drawing, Duplicate Drawing. We'll do the same thing here, go Drawing, Duplicate Drawing. So, this one's called number three now, this one's called number two. So, number three will be the squashed…
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