From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training

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Symbols and cycles

Symbols and cycles

- [Narrator] If you come to Harmony from Adobe Flash or Adobe Animate, you're used to using symbols in your animation. Harmony doesn't use symbols quite in the way that Flash does because it doesn't need to. Harmony is designed so that you can access all of your character's components from the stage, so you're not meant to need to drill into symbols and back out of symbols. So it's one of the things that's one of the good trade-offs of using this program, It's more complex, but you don't drill and tunnel into symbols and out of them. But there are times when it's a really good idea to use the symbols that are in Harmony. So a good example would be a flock of birds. You animate one bird, and you duplicate that symbol 20 times, so you don't have to animate 20 birds. Similar with crowd scenes for example. So let's take a look at how you would do it. So in this case we have a bird flying. Let's carefully select all eight of these exposures, it's four drawings that have been held for two…
