From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
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The Stroke tool and invisible lines - Harmony Tutorial
From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training
The Stroke tool and invisible lines
- [Instructor] Now we're going to use the stroke tool to allow us to color in areas with invisible ink lines. So what if I want to paint this nose a different color? Let's take a look at the nose by its self. So what want it to be a darker color than the skin tone beneath it. So let's zoom in on the nose and under the paint bucket tool there's a feature called stroke. So select that and now we have the stroke tool options. So I'm going to choose straight lines and that will be fine. I'm going to hit K on the keyboard so we can hopefully see the lines that we're drawing. And this is really annoying, I'm going to click OK. Click K again so we can see it. So here we go. So I'm going to delete that and try again. So we have straight line. Let's go in a little closer. These are the ends, the yellow squares. So I'm going to, right on the middle there to here. And I didn't quite close it off but this might be close enough. So if I select the paint tool now and go to the color panel and…
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Camera view and Drawing view4m 23s
Interface navigation2m 29s
The Pencil tool9m 22s
Pencil textures3m 1s
The Stroke tool and invisible lines4m 49s
The Brush tool4m 51s
The Polyline tool and shapes6m 34s
Erasing lines and optimizing and cutting3m 9s
Transforming objects3m 48s
Setting exposures2m 38s
Layer exposures5m 38s