From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training

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The Stroke tool and invisible lines

The Stroke tool and invisible lines - Harmony Tutorial

From the course: Toon Boom Harmony Essential Training

The Stroke tool and invisible lines

- [Instructor] Now we're going to use the stroke tool to allow us to color in areas with invisible ink lines. So what if I want to paint this nose a different color? Let's take a look at the nose by its self. So what want it to be a darker color than the skin tone beneath it. So let's zoom in on the nose and under the paint bucket tool there's a feature called stroke. So select that and now we have the stroke tool options. So I'm going to choose straight lines and that will be fine. I'm going to hit K on the keyboard so we can hopefully see the lines that we're drawing. And this is really annoying, I'm going to click OK. Click K again so we can see it. So here we go. So I'm going to delete that and try again. So we have straight line. Let's go in a little closer. These are the ends, the yellow squares. So I'm going to, right on the middle there to here. And I didn't quite close it off but this might be close enough. So if I select the paint tool now and go to the color panel and…
