From the course: Windows 10: Supporting Users Essential Training

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Create virtual desktops

Create virtual desktops

- [Instructor] As users open more and more applications, they often find themselves quickly running out of space on the desktop. If you look at this screen, for example, you can see that even though I only have three applications open, the screen is really messy and cluttered. In the past, the best solution for this has been to install additional monitors and spread the Windows display across those monitors. That gives you additional desktop real estate. However, installing additional monitors isn't always a realistic option. If, for example, you have a laptop user who does most of their work from the road, taking additional monitors with them might not be a realistic option. Fortunately, Microsoft provides you with a way of expanding the display without having to install monitors. Let me show you how this works. What I'm going to do is to hold down on the Windows key and then press the tab button and this takes me to a…
