From the course: Windows 10: Supporting Users Essential Training

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Edge browser extensions

Edge browser extensions

- Like most modern browsers, Microsoft Edge supports the use of browser extensions. An extension gives new capabilities to the browser that aren't included natively. So let's take a look at how to install an extension into Microsoft Edge. I'm going to begin by clicking on the More icon. From there I'll click on Extensions and then I'll click on Get extensions for Microsoft Edge. At this point, I'm taken to an app store that shows me all of the available extensions. And as you can see, there are quite a few. I'm going to scroll down a little bit to see some of the extensions and I'm going to install the Microsoft Editor: Spelling and Grammar Extension. I do this by hovering over the extension and then clicking on the Get button. Now, Edge asks me for permission to install the extension so I'm going to click on the Add extension button. Next, I'm prompted to sign into my Microsoft account, so I'll go ahead and do that.…
