From the course: Windows 10: Supporting Users Essential Training
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Mixed Reality Portal - Windows Tutorial
From the course: Windows 10: Supporting Users Essential Training
Mixed Reality Portal
- [Instructor] One of my favorite Windows 10 features is the mixed reality portal. If you're not familiar with the mixed reality portal, it's essentially a virtual reality environment. All you need in order to use it is a compatible graphics adapter and a mixed reality headset, which comes with a pair of hand controllers like the one that you see on the screen. To move around in the mixed reality environment, you can simply turn your head to look around in various directions, like I'm doing right now. Or you can use the hand controller and move the joystick to the left or right. You can also teleport to different areas by simply pushing the joystick forward. And letting go. The reason why I wanted to talk about the mixed reality portal in this course is because although the mixed reality portal is most often used for video games, there are an ever increasing number of business applications that are being developed for…