From the course: Windows 10: Supporting Users Essential Training

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Remote Assistance

Remote Assistance

- [Instructor] Although the Windows Remote Desktop software is often used for support purposes, it isn't the only option. Another option is to use Remote Assistance. Remote Assistance works a little bit differently from Remote Desktop because in a Remote Desktop environment, it's usually someone with administrative privileges who initiates the connection to a remote machine. With Remote Assistance, however, it's the end user who initiates the request. The end user requests help, and then whoever is going to be helping them responds to that request by establishing the remote session. So let's take a look at how this works. Right now, I'm logged into a machine that will represent the user who needs help. So the way that this user would need to get started is by right clicking on the Start button, and going to Run, and then typing msra. That stands for Microsoft Remote Assistance. I'll click OK. And that's going to bring…
