From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Working with Encrypted File System

Working with Encrypted File System - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Administration

Working with Encrypted File System

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about encrypting individual files using the Encrypted File System, or EFS, in Windows 10. So I'm going to open up File Explorer and look at a specific file I created for this demonstration. It's just a text file with a little bit of text in it. I can right-click on that and go to Properties. In the Properties window near the bottom, I'll click on the Advanced button, which will pull up another dialogue that, near the bottom, has the option to encrypt contents to secure data. So I'll go ahead and click on that. Click OK. And then back in the document properties, I'll click OK. I'll get a warning. It'll ask me if I want to encrypt just this file or both the file and the parent folder. I'm going to go with the file only and click OK. And now the icon for the document has changed slightly, but it might be difficult to see at this resolution. So I'm going to change the view to…
