From the course: Windows 11: Security

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Exploit protection

Exploit protection

- [Instructor] Now let's look at exploit protection. Off the Start menu, I'll type in Exploit, and I'll select the option for Exploit Protection. In this interface, we have the option to configure several items about how the operating system runs. And some of these are highly technical. By default, they're all going to be on, and in most cases, we want to leave them on. We have things like data execution prevention, which will prevent code from being run from data only memory pages. By turning this on, we allow the operating system to mark some sections of memory as being used for data only, while other sections of memory can be used for both data and programs. Turning this on will defeat some viruses. As we scroll down, we also see some options for randomizing memory. Randomizing memory is an effort to defeat any exploit that relies on a buffer overflow. With a buffer overflow, data is put in memory and it leaks out…
