From the course: Windows 11: Security

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Virus and malware overview

Virus and malware overview - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Security

Virus and malware overview

- [Instructor] Now let's talk about viruses and malware. The word malware comes from malicious software. In general, it is software designed to damage, disrupt or disturb normal operations. The motivation behind malware is sometimes equivalent to a prank or vandalism or sometimes it involves someone trying to commit a crime. There are few different types of malware. The four main types are viruses, worms, Trojans and bots. A few pieces of malware could fall into more than one of these categories, but most things are well contained by one of these definitions. So we're going to talk about each of these four, individually. First is a virus. A virus is malware that is attached to another program. That program is called the host. A virus always must attach itself to something else. Typically, a virus requires human interaction to spread, so when we share the host file maybe by emailing it or putting it on a jump drive, we…
