From the course: Windows 11: Security

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Working with Microsoft accounts in Windows 11

Working with Microsoft accounts in Windows 11 - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Security

Working with Microsoft accounts in Windows 11

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about working with accounts in Windows 11, specifically Microsoft accounts. So off the Start menu, I'll go to Settings and in the left-hand menu, I'll click on Accounts. And at the top, you can see that I've already added an account. I added this account when I was installing Windows 11, but now I'd like to add an additional account, so I'll go down and click on Family and other users. And there, I have the option to add a family member or add other user. I'm going to select the option for add other user. I'll be presented with a popup dialogue that assumes I am going to use a Microsoft account and for this demonstration, I will, in fact, use a Microsoft account. So I'll type in the email address associated with that account and then I'll click Next. And it says I'm good to go and to log in the first time, the account will need to be connected to the internet. So the…
