From the course: Working Across Mac, PC, and Mobile Devices
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Browser overview
From the course: Working Across Mac, PC, and Mobile Devices
Browser overview
- [Instructor] So today, we're going to start with the browser. Now, there are a lot of different browsers out there. There is what used to be known as Internet Explorer, that Microsoft renamed after IE 11 to Edge, their Edge browser. And there is the Google browser, Chrome, or many people just call it the Google browser. There are other ones like Firefox and Opera. We won't be talking about those. Now, some of you're saying but what about Apple Safari? Apple Safari is a browser. It is, but there's a few reasons why we don't recommend you use it for work purposes. Number one, it is Mac and iOS only. Meaning you cannot download a version of Safari to a PC. Number two, it does not have some of the functionality of being able to sync favorites, passwords, different types of bookmarks, security functionality, et cetera. And most of all, cannot be configured in a business environment, meaning everything you do within that browser is secure. There are other things. So what I'm going to do…