From the course: Working Across Mac, PC, and Mobile Devices

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Using OneNote on iPad

Using OneNote on iPad

- [Instructor] It's a little bit later in the day, tired of working in the office, I need to get outside. So I go to my local coffeehouse, I'm sitting outside, I'm working on some email, and I realize I have a great idea for that program I was working on earlier today on my PC, or maybe it was on my Android tablet or on my Mac. Doesn't matter. I launch OneNote. I go in, I take a look. There are those best vacations I came up with earlier. I can see the highlights and the arrows that I made earlier. I go to my Landon Hotels Hire Profile, and I realize, "I should"... I don't need to say "I." I can say "Let's look at MBA hires "and a high school intern program." And I want to make sure that that stands out, so I'm going to hire that. I'm going to go to Styles. I'm going to make that a, you know, relatively big page title. And you know what, to make sure I don't miss it, I'm going to make it bold. Awesome, looks great. I'm even going to put, right after it, a little star. Excellent. So…
