From the course: Working Across Mac, PC, and Mobile Devices

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Windows on a Mac

Windows on a Mac

- [Instructor] All right, so that's Parallels, and I love Parallels, but Parallels is something that you as an individual can do and control on your own Mac. When you get inside of corporations, there's two unique ways that you can do PC on a Mac. The first is something called remote desktop. This allows you to access a PC, perhaps a Windows desktop or a Windows server, remotely that's being either hosted on a machine or that's hosted in a cloud instance. As I said, it does require IT to set it up, but you go to it, you type in the appropriate information, and boom, there within a Windows instance is a full version of Windows that you're accessing and using. A newer way that we're seeing more clients start to use is Windows 365. Windows 365 allows IT to once again set up that instance for you, but all you need to do is go to a browser. You type in a unique IP address or a URL. You log in with your credentials, use your MFA and boom. There you go. Within the browser is a fully working…
