From the course: Working Professionally with Your Drone

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Aerial hyperlapses: What works and what doesn’t?

Aerial hyperlapses: What works and what doesn’t?

From the course: Working Professionally with Your Drone

Aerial hyperlapses: What works and what doesn’t?

- So now I would love to show you how to set up to do a Hyperlapse. I have found a beautiful place to launch from, and now let's get through it. I have already done my pre-flight inspection, but before launching I have to change some settings right here in my controller. So the first thing I'm going to do is check the battery level and I have 94%, so we're good. Now I'm going to go into the settings of the camera, I'm going to click on this little gear here, and I'm going to make sure that the save original Hyperlapse to RAW is turned on. Make sure that this switch right here, this green switch, is indeed in green, in other words, on. Now I'm going to go into my camera settings themselves. I'm going to set the ISO, the aperture, and the shutter speed to something that I like. This is pretty good as it is right now. Now in here, I'm going to change the white balance. It's a beautiful sunny day. So I'm going to choose sunny…
