From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Combining subtools - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Combining subtools
- [Instructor] Now, the opposite of splitting subtools, is combining them, which is something you might want to do to help keep things organized. Let's take a look at a situation where that makes sense. Okay, so we've got this woman model open. And you can see it split up into a bunch of different subtools. And some of these subtools maybe don't make so much sense as being separated. If we turn on transparent mode I'll show you what I mean. So it looks like some of these hair clumps are in one subtool and some of them are in another, and there's a couple other stragglers here. So sometimes this can happen. Let's combine them all into one. Now we want to make sure that the top one is selected, because we're going to merge down. So under merge, you'll find the merge down button. So when you click on this, you get a pop up warning you that you can't undo this. Go ahead and click okay, or always okay. So even though you…
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Working with subtools3m 42s
Adding new tools and subtools2m 40s
Splitting subtools2m 58s
Combining subtools2m 10s
Using Insert Mesh brushes4m 55s
Creating Insert Mesh brushes3m 15s
Using Curve brushes5m 46s
Extracting new shapes2m 57s
Using Live Booleans3m 42s
Generating the Boolean mesh4m 17s
Using Transpose Master2m 31s
Creating text2m 50s
Using folders5m 41s