From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Creating polygroups - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Creating polygroups
- [Instructor] Selections and masking are great for isolating parts of a model, but they're very temporary. However, you can assign parts of your model with a permanent designation called a polygroup. This way, you can always come back to a particular selection or mask. There's also many other things you can do with polygroups. So let's dive in. So we've got our model here, and if we turn on the Polyframe or hit shift + f, you can see that it's broken up into different areas of color, and these are called polygroups. It's a way of organizing your model. Now, you can create new polygroups with masking or selections, so let's zoom out and do that with a selection. So hold down ctrl + shift, and click and drag over a hand. Now, if you hit ctrl + w, whatever is currently visible or masked will turn into a new polygroup. Let's hold down ctrl + shift and click in an open area to bring back the visibility of…
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Selecting parts of an object2m 24s
Making masks6m 17s
Creating polygroups3m 58s
Mask, polygroup, and selection tips1m 43s
Generating masks by topology3m 5s
Splitting by mask, hidden, or polygroups4m 5s
Masking where two objects overlap4m 3s
Masking by color3m 37s