From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Decimating models - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Decimating models
[Instructor]- ZBrush, can create a lot of detail. And that detail requires a lot of polygons which take up computer resources. One way to reduce that weight, especially when exporting files to other programs or for 3D printing, is to decimate the models. Let's see how. So you can see we've got a model with five million points, quite a lot. So let's go to Zplugin. And I'm just going to dock this over here in the left hand pallet with that circle and arrow icon. And under Decimation Master, let's go ahead and set some of the settings here. Now, this model has Polypaint, so let's keep this with the decimation. And it also has UVs, so let's turn that on. Now, even if your model doesn't have Polypaint or UVs, it doesn't hurt to turn these on. So, I don't know why they're not on by default. I actually like to have them on all the time. Polypaint weight of 25 is good, I almost never touch that. Okay, so what we need to do…
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Deleting part of a model1m 52s
Mirroring a model3m 27s
Working with ClayPolish1m 57s
Painting with alphas4m 1s
Using the Clip and Trim brushes5m 24s
Closing all holes1m 35s
Flipping and doubling surfaces2m 37s
Using Deformers2m 22s
Using Morph Targets3m 32s
Adjusting colors5m 17s
Decimating models3m 49s
How to sculpt and paint on UV layout3m 59s
Using EdgeLoop5m 48s
Using Paint Fade2m 1s
Using ZRemesher4m 18s
Projecting detail4m 28s