From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Inverting brush effects - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Inverting brush effects
- Most brushes tend to build up material or increase volume by default. However, they can be made to do the opposite and take away material or dig in. It's done with a simple hotkey, so let's explore. Okay, we just got the standard brush here, and you'll notice as we stroke on the model, it's just increasing the volume. To dig in, you just simply hold down the Alt key, and now you'll decrease volume. And most brushes will behave this way, but there are a few special cases. One of those is the Damien standard, so let's hit B+D+S, let's increase the draw size a little bit here, and notice by default it digs in, if you use Alt, you'll actually create a crease in the opposite direction. So this can actually be useful if you want to really tighten up some details like this. Just hold down Alt and it'll sharpen up those convex edges. Another brush that's a special case, that we've already looked at a little bit, is the Move…
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The most commonly used brushes5m 31s
Using Brush settings6m 4s
Using Symmetry3m 23s
Controlling brush size3m 46s
Smoothing a model2m 21s
Inverting brush effects1m 55s
Working with Alphas3m 52s
Using the XTractor brushes4m 28s
Sculpting with undo history4m 30s
Moving with infinite depth3m 22s
Using the DecoCurve brushes4m 34s
Using a brush without back and forth2m 3s