From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Learning the interface

Learning the interface

- [Instructor] There have been several updates to ZBrush since this course was first released, and I'll be going into many of those updates later on. However, some of those changes are visible from the main interface. So, let's quickly see what the differences are. Now, I'm starting with a fresh restart of Zbrush here, and I'll just double-click on the dog project to load that up. So, the most obvious difference, right off the bat, are these two things in the upper left and the upper right-hand corners. First, let's talk about this thumbnail, which is called the silhouette thumbnail in the upper left-hand corner. What this does is it offers a simplistic way of looking at the model, it sort of simplifies everything to just black and white, to give you a very quick sense of how the silhouette of your model is reading. So, that as you're sculpting you're not, necessarily, distracted by the different shadows and lights, and…
