From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Splitting by mask, hidden, or polygroups - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Splitting by mask, hidden, or polygroups
- [Instructor] Now that we've covered the basics of masking, let's take a look at an intermediate technique. While masks are often painted or created manually, you can also generate them dynamically based on the shape and detail of the model. So let's see how it's done. Now this typically works better with organic models or models with a lot of surface detail, but it can be done on simpler low-poly models as well. So let's go into the masking sub-palette, and let's come down to mask by cavity first. So what mask by cavity does is it looks at the tiny little details and it tries to find little indentations or depressions or little sunken-in details that it can mask out. Now, I typically like to have the intensity either all the way to 100, which is going to mask inside the cavities, or all the way to negative 100, which is the opposite; it will mask any sort of raised areas. And you can always invert the mask afterwards.…
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Selecting parts of an object2m 24s
Making masks6m 17s
Creating polygroups3m 58s
Mask, polygroup, and selection tips1m 43s
Generating masks by topology3m 5s
Splitting by mask, hidden, or polygroups4m 5s
Masking where two objects overlap4m 3s
Masking by color3m 37s