From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Using Curve brushes - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Using Curve brushes
- [Instructor] In addition to drawing out single copies of a mesh, you can also create curves to guide the placement of those copies. Let's take a closer look. First, let's try this with the horn brush that we made in the last video. So let's hit B on the keyboard to bring up our brushes, and let's grab that custom horn brush that we made. So, as you recall, just clicking and dragging draws out copies of this horn. But, instead of doing it that way, let's hit CTRL Z to undo that. Let's go up to the stroke menu, let's turn on curve mode. All right, let's see what happens if we try this now. So, you can see we get a curve on the surface of the model with copies of that dragged out. Now because we had symmetry turned on, this curve likes to try to snap to the center of the object, and sometimes you can get some strange artifacts that way. There's a few ways around this: you can try click and drag on the end, and try to pull…
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Working with subtools3m 42s
Adding new tools and subtools2m 40s
Splitting subtools2m 58s
Combining subtools2m 10s
Using Insert Mesh brushes4m 55s
Creating Insert Mesh brushes3m 15s
Using Curve brushes5m 46s
Extracting new shapes2m 57s
Using Live Booleans3m 42s
Generating the Boolean mesh4m 17s
Using Transpose Master2m 31s
Creating text2m 50s
Using folders5m 41s