From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Using EdgeLoop

Using EdgeLoop

- [Instructor] If your model has polygroups, you can use the borders between polygroups to create all kinds of different effects. It can be hard to describe, so let me just demonstrate it instead. Okay, so we've got Hank here. Let's go into solo mode so we see only the body and let's go into polyframe as well. We'll see that wire frame. You can see that the model is broken up into different polygroups. So if we go under the geometry sub-palette, you can see that there's a section called edge loop. In here there's a whole bunch of different features that operate on the borders between polygroups and on edge loops themselves, which are edges that loop all the way around and connect back with themselves. So let's just take a look at some of the ways this can be used. First, there's edge loop masked border. So let's say we want to create some more edge loops around the top of the abdomen. What we can do is create a…
