From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Using Live Booleans - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Using Live Booleans
- [Man] The word Boolean may sound funny or unfamiliar, but it's a powerful and intuitive way of thinking about shapes. Lots of objects that we use every day are essentially made up of simpler shapes that have been combined or have had the shape of one object cut out of another. ZBrush has some simple tools for helping us work this way. So let's take a look. Okay, so in order to combine shapes, we actually have to have at least two shapes to work with. So let's go ahead and append a new primitive go to append and get the sphere 3D. Now it's a little bit on the big side, so let me scale up the gargoyle to match. So we've got the gargoyle selected I'll just make the gargoyle quite a bit bigger here and now what we can do is select the sphere and we can set it to a different Boolean mode. By default, objects are on combined mode, which is additive. So let's switch this to subtractive. Now, if you're not seeing this…
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Working with subtools3m 42s
Adding new tools and subtools2m 40s
Splitting subtools2m 58s
Combining subtools2m 10s
Using Insert Mesh brushes4m 55s
Creating Insert Mesh brushes3m 15s
Using Curve brushes5m 46s
Extracting new shapes2m 57s
Using Live Booleans3m 42s
Generating the Boolean mesh4m 17s
Using Transpose Master2m 31s
Creating text2m 50s
Using folders5m 41s