From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Using the 3D Print exporter - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Using the 3D Print exporter
- [Instructor] If you're exporting models for 3D printing, ZBrush has the plug in for you. Whether you're exporting to a color printer or to the Form 2 or to almost any other kind of printer, we can get it done here. So let's have a look. All right, so we've got our model opened up. Let's go to Zplugin, 3D Print Hub, and I'm actually going to click on the circle arrow icon to dock this over on the left side. Okay, lets take a look at the options here. The first thing we probably want to do is establish exactly how large and what unit of measurements we're dealing with here. So let's click on Update Size Ratios. So with this, ZBrush is guessing what the size of the object is. Now, because ZBrush doesn't have any built in units of inches or millimeters or anything like that, it has to guess. So right here it's guessing, is it about 22 inches tall or is it about 564 millimeters tall or it could also be 22 millimeters…
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