From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Using the Gizmo

Using the Gizmo

- [Instructor] Here's a useful gadget that you'll find in pretty much every other 3D software as well, although it might go by a different name. The Gizmo helps you move, rotate, and scale objects in your scene, along with some more advanced features. So let's take a look at how to use it. To activate the Gizmo, you want to click on any one of these move, scale, or rotate buttons, and it actually doesn't matter which one because it all brings up the same Gizmo, which allows you to move, scale, and rotate. So this should be fairly intuitive, you just simply click and drag on any of these to move in the different axis. You can also move relative to the screen by clicking and dragging on any of these corner brackets. You can scale the entire object by clicking and dragging on the yellow square. You can also scale an individual axis with the individual axis boxes here. And you can also rotate in any axis you want as…
