From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Using ZRemesher

Using ZRemesher

- [Instructor] Now there are a lot of great tools for sculpting and modeling in ZBrush. But many of them create geometry that is hard to use in other software. For example, Dynamesh and Sculptress Pro and other features creates very dense or messy geometry. We can use ZRemesher to create a new model with the same shape, but with a much more animation and subdivision-friendly geometry. So let's check it out. All right I've got the elf head here, and if I turn on my polyframe, you can see that this geometry is a complete mess. There's no way you're going to be able to animate this. So, let's use ZRemesher to fix this. I'm going to make a duplicate of this model, so we can always come back to the original. 'Cause ZRemesher completely replaces whatever you use it on. And let's come down to geometry and ZRemesher. And we've got quite a few settings here, really the most important one is the target polygons count. So…
