Fanfics de Infinite em Inglês sem o personagem Dongwoo - Spirit Fanfics e Histórias
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Fanfics de Infinite em Inglês sem o personagem Dongwoo

Jeaulous and Furious

escrita por inspiritsungsoo
Fanfic / Fanfiction Jeaulous and Furious
Capítulos 3
Palavras 1.832
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Infinite
Gêneros Romântico / Shoujo
And They fight again because of his jealousy. Sunggyu was furious with her girlfriend, Sakura, for hang out with a boy! What the Hell???
On the other side, Sakura was mad at him. Despite her delicate name, she has a strong temper and are done with him
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Baby It's Cold Outside

escrita por felixir
Fanfic / Fanfiction Baby It's Cold Outside
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 2.146
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Infinite, Monsta X
Gêneros LGBTQIAPN+, Romântico / Shoujo, Universo Alternativo
Minhyuk has never fallen in love, and Jooheon moves to the city on Christmas Eve.
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First love even off stage

escrita por tokiosaki
Fanfic / Fanfiction First love even off stage
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 375
Idioma Inglês
Categorias 5Dolls, After School, AOA (Ace of Angels), Block B, Girl's Day, Infinite, SS501, Stellar, Super Junior, VIXX
Gêneros Comédia, Ficção, Ficção Adolescente, Gay / Yaoi, Lésbica / Yuri, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga
a story involving several teenagers who enroll in an agency in individual groups without knowing that they will be in a mixed group
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