História Harry and Hermione: It started early - Chapter one: Harry's new friend - História escrita por Spryor - Spirit Fanfics e Histórias
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História Harry and Hermione: It started early - Chapter one: Harry's new friend

Escrita por: Spryor

Capítulo 1 - Chapter one: Harry's new friend

Fanfic / Fanfiction Harry and Hermione: It started early - Chapter one: Harry's new friend

For ten years, the Dursleys had hated Harry. They would mentally and physically abuse him. Harry was always skinny and thin. The only time he would ever eat, is when he would sneak some food off of any one the Dursleys' plates whenever he made their plates.

Petunia had been banging on Harry's small cupboard door under the stairs vigorously with a frying pan for him to wake up. Harry had woken up with a pounding headache. As he awakend from his slumber, Harry can feel a spider sitting across his face.

Harry had always slept under the stairs. It was always dusty and infested with spiders as it was always filthy. Harry, of course, had gotten used to sleeping in there. Harry had finally made his way to the kitchen. Vernon shouted at him to make his coffee as he read the newspaper.

"Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy!" Vernon said, looking up from his newspaper.

"Yes, uncle Vernon." Harry replied with a fake smile.

Harry did what he was told as he didn't want his uncle to lay his heavy hands on him as it were always very painful for him to bear. As Harry made his way over to Vernon with the cup of coffee, Vernon had stuck his fat leg outside of the table which made Harry trip over him. The coffee had spilled all over Vernon, causing him to scream in both pain and anger. Harry then ran out of the front door with his hand-me-down back-pack, afraid that either Vernon or Dudley would run after him. He then realized that no one was chasing him so he slowered his pace. Harry opened his bag and took out a piece of bacon which he snagged from making Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley's plates of eggs and bacon. He knew that Dudley would always be late for school which gave him a head start.

As Harry turned the corner, he bumped into someone. Both Harry and whom he had bumped into fell backwards. The person who he bumped into was a girl. This girl was the same height as Harry. She had long, bushy brown hair and cinnamon brown eyes. She had buck teeth that laid across her bottom lip. The girl had glanced down at Harry. Harry had charcoal black hair that covered his lightning scar on his forehead, he had piercing emerald green eyes that hid behind his rounded spectacles. He was rather small and skinny for his age. The girl had picked and dusted herself off before offering her hand to help Harry up. She smiled down at him to let him know that she was being poliet towards him, Harry had hesitated before accepting her hand.

"Hi, I'm really sorry for knocking you over, I'm new." Harry said sincerely.

"It's okay, I'm Hermione Granger. I could walk with you to school if you'd like?" The girl had said polietly, while glancing at him.

Hermione then asked what his name was and Harry got nervous.

"What's your name?"

"I'd rather not say."

"It's okay, I won't laugh."



"My name is Freak, or at least that's what my aunt and uncle call me. I don't actually know my name."

"Well, what if I called you Harry for now on?" 

Harry kindly accepted. The pair had started to become friends with one another. They then made it school.

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