História Harry and Hermione: It started early - Harry's secret - História escrita por Spryor - Spirit Fanfics e Histórias
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História Harry and Hermione: It started early - Harry's secret

Escrita por: Spryor

Notas do Autor

This chapter is sad. Sorry.

Capítulo 2 - Harry's secret

Fanfic / Fanfiction Harry and Hermione: It started early - Harry's secret

Harry and Hermione had finally gotten to school. Hermione had noticed how skinny and thin Harry was. They went their separate ways. Hermione went to her classroom and Harry didn't know which classroom he was. In Hermione's classroom, the children ran around the classroom while Hermione sat in her desk.

The children had stopped running around when her teacher, Mr. Smith came in. There he stood, at the front of the classroom and began greeting the class. The man wore a black suit and tie as he entered. 

"Good morning, class. I hope you're all having a wonderful morning. Now before we start, I'd like to introduce you all to a new student. He's a transfer from 'St. Brutus's school for the criminally insane" but don't worry, he's not going to hurt you guys. His name is Harry Potter." Mr. Smith said, gesturing towards the door.

No one came in the classroom. Mr smith stepped outside the classroom for a moment. He was gone five minutes. He then came back into the classroom. He was spotted holding a little boy's right hand. Harry had looked more nervous than he did before. Mr. Smith led Harry to an empty seat which was right next to Hermione on her left. He then let go of his hand


Hermione and Harry sat on the hill eating their lunches as the others ran out on the field. Hermione would occasionally look at Harry when he was looking, she couldn't deny that he to was really good looking as a ten year old. The young woman had enjoyed talking to Harry, he would often make her laugh and he was always sweet to her.

Just then, Harry had felt a stinging sensation on his lower half. That meant that he had to use the bathroom. Harry started to hold himself by crossing his right leg over his left and hold his privates, until he gave in.

"Hermione, can you please show where the bathroom is?" Harry asked urgent, yet polietly.

Harry and Hermione then started to walk where the bathroom is located. They were stopped in their tracks. There he stood looking angry. Dudley and his gang started to walk up to Harry and Hermione. Two boys held Harry in place as Dudley had punched him in the gut. He then picked him up by neck and slammed him against the hard, cold wall, which caused Harry to bleed from his head as he hit the wall hard.

Harry had passed out as his little body wasn't able to maintain all of the damage. Hermione had gotten tired of the larger boy and his gang beating on her new friend, Harry as he was much to small and scrawny to fight back on his own so she decided to do something about it. Hermione punched Dudley so hard that it made his nose bleed. Dudley then ran away with his gang in fear.

Just then, Mr Woodler, the principal came up Hermione and a unconcious Harry. He asked Hermione to explain to him what happened to Harry, seeing as he was very uncoucious as he lie on the floor, covered in blood from the back of his head and his nose and mouth. Hermione  had eplained to Woodler that Harry was attacked by a larger boy and his gang as Harry and Hermione were walking to the washroom. She didn't know the larger boy's name. 

A few hours later....

It was now time for Harry and Hermione to go home. During the walk home, Hermione asked Harry if he wanted to come over for dinner with her family. He told her that he would, the only problem was that his aunt and uncle would let him go anywhere. 

Harry finally got home. He hid in his cupboard all day, waiting for Hermione and her parents to come and get him. Just then, Mr. and Mrs. Granger rang the doorbell of the Dursley's house front door. Vernon had answer the door.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?" Vernon said

"Hello, can Harry come over for dinner?" Mr. Granger asked.

Vernon thought for a minute then he realized that Harry wouldn't bother them for the rest of the day. He then let Harry go with them.

Harry and Hermione sat in back seat of the Granger's range rover. Harry didn't say on the entire car ride. After fifteen minutes, they got out of the car and went inside the Granger residence. The Granger residence house was a lot bigger, compared to Harry's small cupboard bedroom under the stairs. Harry and Hermione played in Hermione's bedroom until dinner was ready. After what seem about two hours, Mrs. Granger called the two kids down for dinner. Both parents had notice how incredibly skinny and thin Harry was.

Harry hadn't even touched his plate of food.The Grangers had gotten suspious. They started whispering amongst theirselves. Hermionw stayed quiet. Mr. Granger then turned his head look at Harry once more before saying something.

"Harry, is there something to matter? you haven't touched any of your food." Mr. Granger asked, looking at the small child.

"I don't know if I deserve any of this. Back at home, I am not allowed to eat any food." Harry replied, looking down at his plate of food.

Mr. Granger then got even more suspicous. He started to think. How come this poor little boy doesn't get to eat at home? he thought. 

"Harry, I need you to do something for me okay? can you please lift up your shirt?" Mr. Granger asked polietly, yet stern.

Harry did as he was told as he was scared that he might do something to him. As the young boy raised his shirt, all three of the Granger gasped at the sight of him. He was covered in scratches, bruises and opened deep wounds. Mr. Granger then turned his head to his wife, Monica.

"Monica, we need to get this boy to the hospital. He is incrediby wounded up."

They proceeded to the hospital with Harry. Hermione had looked confused at Harry. Then she realised. She had just learned that Harry was being abused.

Notas Finais

Guys, child abuse is a real thing. No person, child or animal should ever have to go throught this. Kids are dying in orphanges due to not being fed properly. Us adults need to show these kids our love, not tear them down or abuse them to the point that they feel scared of us. Everyone needs love in their life. If you have kids at home, please show them love. Give them some love so that they could learn to give back. We may not be here forever, and they might need to take care of us when we became elderlies. Stay safe, stay healthy, and don't forget to love our loved ones. Peace and kindness for everyone.

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