Nome: Carol Alencar Localização: Brazil Aniversário: 6 de Fevereiro Cadastro:
Oi, friend! Blz? Seja bem vindo(a) ao meu perfil. Sou Ana Carolinne, uma jovem médica que é apaixonada por todo tipo de arte e, inclusive, escrever. Obrigada pela visita e, se possível, não deixe de checar minha primeira fic publicada “Beating & Bleeding”, de curtir/comentar e me seguir. Grata! :) —————— Hey, friend! How are you? Welcome to my profile! I’m Carol, a young doctor who is passionate about all kind of art and one of them is writing. Thanks for visiting and, if possible, be sure to check my first published fanfic "Beating & Bleeding", to like/comment and follow me. Thank you! :)
História: Beating & Bleeding
—Beautiful, isn't it?— A male voice interrupts my thoughts. I fright. I don't know this voice yet, but such a voice... This guy is owner of a thick and hoarse voice that is so se..
História: Beating & Bleeding
—Beautiful, isn't it?— A male voice interrupts my thoughts. I fright. I don't know this voice yet, but such a voice... This guy is owner of a thick and hoarse voice that is so se..
História: Beating & Bleeding
—Beautiful, isn't it?— A male voice interrupts my thoughts. I fright. I don't know this voice yet, but such a voice... This guy is owner of a thick and hoarse voice that is so se..
História: Beating & Bleeding
—Beautiful, isn't it?— A male voice interrupts my thoughts. I fright. I don't know this voice yet, but such a voice... This guy is owner of a thick and hoarse voice that is so se..
História: Beating & Bleeding
—Beautiful, isn't it?— A male voice interrupts my thoughts. I fright. I don't know this voice yet, but such a voice... This guy is owner of a thick and hoarse voice that is so se..
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