Magnus knows it is forbidden, so why is he unable to stop himself from searching the skies day and night for his wingmate? How can the wings that feel like home be so wrong, when they feel so right when they wrap around him? Why does fate seem bent on destroying him? Will he risk the assent for the angel with the mesmerising white and silver wings? Or will the pull of duty and his place in The Horde of demons force him to deny what he knows down to the tips of his feathers is right?
As hard as Alec tries to hide from his fate, he can't stop himself from being drawn back in, unable to ignore the love that could ultimately lead to his demise. Will he face the descent, the fall from The Hoste of angels for the demon with the beautiful black and bronze wings? Or will the prospect of losing his family take the only chance of happiness he knows he will ever have, away from him? How do you choose between family and love?
The characters belong to Cassandra Clare and Freeflop but the work is all mine.
escrita por N2NAA Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 6.178
Idioma Inglês
Categorias RIIZE
Gêneros Drabs, Drabble, Droubble (Minicontos), Drama / Tragédia, LGBTQIAPN+, Romântico / Shoujo
A carga maior que Wonbin deveria carregar era apenas o peso do seu filho de oito meses que estava crescendo a cada dia mais, quase 9kg de pura fofura. Mas de um dia para a noite, teve que aguentar o peso máximo em suas costas após o acidente do seu marido, ocasionando na perda de uma longa jornada ao seu lado.
She’s unruly and aggressive, she’s meant to dominate, Her rut serves to fuel her desire to take what she wants, when and how she wants it. But when she gets what she wants, she suddenly and slowly finds her inner Alpha being tamed by the woman she claims.
Park Jimin was a prince and the only hybrid of a fox and a wolf of the kingdom that his parents once ruled.Everything was fine and he had more than he could ever ask for,he had loving parents,great friends, and so on ..... until a war broke out between the fox and wolf race due to a major racial conflict,causing Jimin to be sent away somewhere he would never be found ever again at a very young age as the kingdom was no longer safe.
After the war ended with the wolf race winning,the kingdom was left in a mess.
With the kingdom missing its rightful and only heir to the throne,the kingdom was left with nothing but greive,some believing that the young prince was dead as the tyrant king from the wolf race took over.
If only they knew that the prince is still alive,breathing,talking and walking but........
in pain as he kept as many secrets that allowed him do more than what he's capable of.
escrita por 2minpjct
e LuhDrama Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 5.113
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Bangtan Boys (BTS), Lee Sunmi
Gêneros Ação, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, LGBTQIAPN+, Mistério, Policial, Suspense, Universo Alternativo
Yoongi is a young omega detective who chose to pursue a career in the police to continue his family's tradition, despite his poor performance in activities that demanded more than his brain. On the other hand, his opposite: Detective Park Jimin, one of the best and most athletic detectives in the department, who is assigned to the same case as him. A friendship is born between the two with Park's insistence when they need to work together in the disappearance of a student from the biggest colleges in Seoul, a case that seems not to have an easy resolution, as well as an old relationship that exists between detectives.
escrita por 95PMJ_ Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 2.332
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Bangtan Boys (BTS), Seventeen
Gêneros Gay / Yaoi, Romântico / Shoujo, Universo Alternativo
Jeongguk reluctantly accepted the engagement imposed by his parents with that omega, but his compliance gave way to fierce resistance upon meeting his childhood best friend during the afternoon tea meant to announce the union. He wouldn't let that alpha slip through his fingers again, no matter what happened.
escrita por ChellyWalker Em andamento
Capítulos 3
Palavras 22.440
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Stray Kids
Gêneros Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Adolescente, Gay / Yaoi, Lésbica / Yuri, LGBTQIAPN+, Literatura Erótica, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Universo Alternativo
O sentimento de escrever uma música, Hyunjin se lembra bem dessa sensação, a plateia eufórica, a adrenalina, o coração não aguentando toda a emoção em seu peito…, mas, principalmente, ele se lembra do ômega mais lindo que já viu em sua vida; Yang Jeongin se destacava entre todos os outros. Hwang era um enigma, um dos mais fortes da sua espécie, porém nem mesmo suas habilidades especiais eram capazes de decifrar aquele ômega de olhos afiados.
escrita por universechildd Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 1.268
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Bangtan Boys (BTS)
Gêneros Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Adolescente, Gay / Yaoi, LGBTQIAPN+, Sobrenatural, Universo Alternativo
Taehyung tries hard to cheat all the people around. For the church members, for your classmates, and for your closest friends the Omega is the most perfect creature, beautiful, kind, friendly, empathetic, and nice. Kim Taehyung is a good son, good friend, good churchgoer, a good human, but barely them know this goodness is just a mask for misleading your poor grandma, the only person who loves him and who is in a terminal state, and Taehyung will do anything for your grandmother being happy in your last days, cause her deserve the better of the omega, even whether the better is a lie.
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